The Rock Giants by Storyteller – Priscilla Garduno Wolf

In my book “Wolf and White Eagle Indian Tales.”
Thousands of years ago, many giants walked the earth.
Many were seen all over the world at that time.
Grandmother-Little Woman-would say story’s passed down from her people,
that the black planet had came close to the earth –
thousands years ago and gas that filled the air killed all big animals and the giant people.
As time passed they became extinct .
A family of three were left in the valley close to the Sangre De Cristo Mountains, in Colorado.
The father, mother and son survived for a while.
They were very sad, every where they went they seen no one.
Let’s travel to the South they said to each other.
The air was getting harder to breathe.
As they got to the small town of Tres Piedas, New Mexico.
They laid down to rest and never got up.
They turned into three rocks.
Grandmother said: the three rocks are the last family of giants.
Called in Spanish- Tres Piedas.
So now days you see where many rock giants are sleeping or standing.
in my book photo below the story is of two Giants frozen in time, as Rock Mountains on the Chama Trail in New Mexico….

Priscilla Wolf -part 3 of Cloud UFOs and my Grandpa Antonio

One Step beyond our imagination. How beautiful how our minds create and except the unknown.
Grandfather use to say; when you see something unknown and you speak about it, there is always those who try to say its not true until it happens to them, this world is full of mysteries. When you except it opens doors to the unknown.
It was Feb-1962- 2 months after Grandfather expired, I had been outside chopping wood, and bringing wood in for our fireplace . I was so exhausted, I joined my grandmother, Mother,and Aunt Frances in the kitchen for a cup of coffee, then I went into the front room to lay on the sofa and rest a bit. I seemed to fall into a deep sleep. It was the most vivid experience, and I can recall it all in enormous detail. There is no way it was a dream. Call it whatever, but I felt I was lifted into this cloud formation with such a force, Suddenly I was in a huge room, but outside was a white cloud. There was no windows- I saw my grandfather Antonio enters the room and greeted me with happiness- We talked a lot about everything at home. He wore a white robe and he glowed, he looked younger and complete in good health.
“He said; my Patricia ” I have bad news for you.
Two of my daughters are very ill and will join me soon. They will die a week apart in March (of 1962.)
Please let them know I’m here for them. he gave me other messages, I felt myself moving down from the sky. until I was back on the sofa. I woke up and walked into the kitchen and Mom asked me if I was ok? I was very pale they said. Did you see a ghost? I sat down and told them, Grandpa just came to visit me. And he had a message for you all. He has came back for two of his daughters . Mom said; I hope its me- I been so sick, Aunt Frances said; he can go to hell, I’m not ready to go. Grandmother made the remark it was just a dream- don’t worry. A week later in March of 1962- My Aunt Frances got very ill and we took her to Alamosa, Colorado hospital. The day they released her, we went to the hospital to get her, I went into her room and she was sound asleep. but she wasn’t asleep she was dead. it was March-12-1962.
Aunt Helen became very ill same month and was taken to Denver Colorado hospital. The day she was released she also died asleep, it was march-23-1962. Aunt Helen never knew her sister Frances had died.
They say death spirits take three, December 29-1962 grandfather expired- and in March 1962 both Aunts expired. Remember chances are you will never know your death time, but you can drop by one step beyond if you dare. In this particular story it may have been because there was a strong bond between grandfather
and grand- daughter where communication was entirely positive, comforting, and reassuring….

Second part-Beyond and back, quest for the unknown-by Priscilla Garduno Wolf‏

One of the most profound
mysteries confronting any human being is the possibility of surviving after death.The existence of a very different dimension to the world we already inhabit.
One step beyond! Antonio, my Spanish grandfather who was from Spain, was an extraordinary man, no adult in my life had so great and influence over my imaginations like he did.
Living in his world was beautiful to me, he was a great believer- we did not live alone -God had created all over the universe. If this was not true why do we speak of Heaven.
It was December 1961 when my grandfather passed from this world we know of and we have created.
That winter was one of the worst- coldest-snow fall over six feet in the San Luis Valley, Colorado I had ever known.The ground was frozen and digging my grandfathers grave was a job.
Three weeks after he died, he kept his promise to me, if there is another life and world, he told me. I will come back and visit you! I was very close to my grandparents, the Spanish and Apache life to me was heaven. Understanding the culture and ways of life, was a gift, we never lost our ways.
Quest of the unknown.
Grandfather Antonio believed the closer you are to God and spirituality, the veil open’s up to you. And the door to other worlds- open up- to good or bad and communication.
Surrounding my grandfather death, I was with him till the last breath he gave. I was so heart broken, I cried and the man next to him, told me lets pray. We prayed the Rosary, since we are Catholic.His face was disfigured from a kick of a horse when he was in his 30’s. He use to tame wild horses for a living. So his right side was disfigured and he couldn’t close his eye. The moment he died as he spoke my name Patricia! his face returned back to normal before my eyes. I knew his life in this body was over. Or was it?
Many Hispanics and Mexicans believe The Spirit roams for 40 days and nights on earth…Three weeks later. My family left back to Cheyenne, Wyoming for two weeks. My cousin Maria stayed with me so I won’t be alone. Maria was very superstitious, I think she was scared of her shadow. I loved to tell ghost stories and she would ask me not to say anything. One night the Snow blizzard outside was real bad- we already had over six feet of snow. And it was about 30 below zero. The fire from our fireplace was so beautiful as it seemed to dance when the wind would blow hard against our farm home. Maria lived in our Adobe house south from our main home. I don’t remember if there was a full moon- but it was very clear outside that night. Our Collie dog Pedro> dog. Grandpa’s dog howled like a wolf every night since grandpa died. Grieving for his master. Would not eat, Grandmother said: the dog would die cause it broke his spirit when he died. That night he barked normal like real happy and half scared. So I looked out the window to see who or what was out there. I noticed a bright light ascending down from the sky. From the South of our farm toward Maria’s home then I noticed a Dark shadow of a man passing the fence, like it wasn’t there. Walking toward her house but on the dirt trail one block away. As it moved closer toward the main house. Maria!– I called out her name– come here quickly there’s someone walking toward our home. She got real scared! and started to pray, its evil she said; its not normal. I had the shot gun next to the door and knew how to shoot a gun. The man walked slowly looking around as he moved on the path way, toward the main house. Pedro-Dog kept barking- yet -sounded happy and scared- so we knew who ever it was the dog knew him. as the man got closer the dog went into his tepee dog house and whined like a cry , didn’t hear the dog no more. We had the outside light on so we could see a tall man, He wore a cowboy hat, as he got closer, I Hollered at Maria! its grandpa! he’s not dead!…. I told Maria- he promised me he would come back. He walked clear to the wood steps outside and went to the door, and tried to open it. He is coming in I told Maria! In God’s name No she hollered! I went for the door and grabbed the shot gun, and opened the door. There was no one there just foot prints on the snow all the way to the door. Pedro-Dog died that night. ( having a gun- can be dangerously.)
I knew there was another world after that, and some stay on earth as ghosts, others as human as me and you -are. life is beautiful when some of us have the power beyond means to come and go with no more pain or suffering — Life has taught me so many things, and I accept and don’t question what is One step beyond,
Angels come in every different forms. until next time part three The Ghost and life of Antonio My grandfather who lives in two worlds. enjoy and remember our loved ones never leave us, if you believe.

Stone Connection By Mary Muñoz © February 15, 2009

I would like to share this week an interesting experience I had with a particular stone I had purchased from a small shop close the University of New Mexico.
Once I had accepted that my past beliefs, which were based on a fundamentalist Christian view, were not the final answer to all things, and was not completely written in stone, though some of them were, I found out that there were other possibilities in this plane of reality. It was then and only then, that I began to seek more truth or experience through other avenues of understanding.
It was at this point that I began to experiment with using stone energy to bring forward other experiences, including but not limited to protecting, healing, and anything else I thought would be of need in my life at that moment in time. I also wanted to heal the body’s energy field from the damaging effects of the environment we live in. Then again I also wanted to know if they really worked and I since other avenues I had ventured through had limited success in protecting me from what was happening it couldn’t hurt.
This is when I had heard about Moldavite. This stone is supposed to have a connective force with the ET’s and I was interested in understanding what the ET involvement in my l life meant, so what better way to find out? Anyone who has gone through this will understand that they leave only glimpses of memory and/or some physical marks of their presence that night. With that I was bent on finding out more about why they were in my life. I already knew of the family connection, but was there more? And if this stone gave me the connection then why not. I wanted to remember and understand what this was all about.
With that I had for several months been visiting a crystal shop. One day while I was there I noticed a Moldavite stone that was in the shape of ET head. Upon lifting it up to the light swore there was a presence residing in it. I put money down on it knowing that I would have it the next week.
The proprietor of the establishment was herself into the ET phenomena and was extremely interested in the stone. She was surprised that she had never noticed the connection. It had been in her shop for about a year and she had never realized its uniqueness. This is another fact of stones; they call to you when it is time. Some of us can look at a stone for months or years and never find a connection to them, and then one day it is there. This was a Friday…
…Monday came around and I picked up the stone; earlier than expected. I was so fascinated with it and wanted to know if it really would open up a connection between them and me.
That night I went to sleep with the stone under my pillow really not expecting anything, but underneath hoping something would occur. Then most amazing experience happened, as I lay in bed I begin to smell something. It was as if I was lying in a field of the most amazing flower essence ever. It was peaceful and beautiful. There were no other explanations to what was happening. I knew there were other presences around me, I just couldn’t wake up. Some could have said it was all in a dream, but I had the black light to show me in the morning that it was in fact not. Remember the UV black light will show the marks they leave, and I had plenty.
Excited about what happened I thought this was a break through. I remembered them coming, and with that I would then continue my search through the use of this stone for their presence, but regretfully it would not come or I would not remember. I still have the stone in my room sitting with many others I have collected over the years. I still wait, but it comes down to this, “Will it ever happen again?” And if so, “Will I ever know the answers I am looking for?” I don’t know…one can only hope, wait, and see.

Priscilla Garduno Wolf—-Spanish & Apache– 2/10/09

I’m a self- professed storyteller, in Spanish and English- Artist and A-author. I also work with energy healing’s.
I was raised with my Apache Grandmother and Spanish grandfather who was from Spain. We lived in Southern Colorado. My family came from Northern New Mexico.
both grandparents were healers- also on my side of my father, the Garduno’s; they were well known at their time on earth as healers and people with mystic powers. So much of my gifts are inherited. I grew up where all was normal and we live in two worlds. Whichever one is real to you is where you live at.
I learned to heal myself and to learn English by lip reading, thought form, soul travel, live in two worlds & walk in two worlds. Dream visions, Lucid dreaming- I remember my past to age 10 months old— at four years old, my life changed- it was my first sighting of a UFO it was 1948- in the day. In San Luis Valley, Colorado at my grandparents farm. I had been playing with my dolls when I noticed from my bedroom window- a object over our field in the air. ( No sound) And a little gray man with a rod checking the ground. The outfit looked astronaut like and the rod -Egyptian like. He turned around and faced me ( about half block away) East toward the ( Pinon Hills)
and he lifted the rod toward me and a flash of light went straight to my head, scaring me, and it vanished, into the space craft. I remember running toward the kitchen to where my family was at. and screamed I had seen the devil, being raised Catholic all unknown to me was evil. Grandmother said I had seen a star person and he had blessed me. ( a Thunder Being)…. My grandfather came in and heard me talking all upset he took me by the hand toward the field where he had seen it to, and there was a round burned area for many years nothing ever grew there nor would our horses or sheep go close to that area. Grandfather explained it was the Thunder beings, or the Star people, that had been around for thousands of years. a few days later I was able to see the dead and speak to them.

The Religions of the UFOs and their Founders Part 1-Is it all True Series #70

I am going to do several postings on people who were inspired by something or someone to venture far from the mainstream and present radical views on the possibilities of the existence of aliens and their flying machines. These people developed very loyal cult following or mini religious-type movements.

Daniel William Fry was born in July 1908 in Vernon Township, Minnesota. Both of his parents died early in his life, and his grandmother raised him in California. As a young man, he was interested in chemistry and other sciences and settled on working with explosives, which helped him pursue a career in the new field of rocketry. He got a job with Aerojet, testing rockets at White Sands, New Mexico.

In July 1949, Daniels strange encounter began. On an extremely hot 4th of July day, too hot to stay in his base quarters, he decided to cool off in the surrounding high desert area. Daniel claims he saw a small “oblate spheroid” (saucer shape), which was remotely controlled by a mothership over 900 miles above the earth. Daniel was then invited on board by an Alien named A-lawn? (Alan), and Daniel was quickly shuttled between Mew Mexico and New York City in a mere 30 minutes. Daniel had many other trips, and his Alien being pilot gave Daniel a vast array of unknown human history and new sciences. With this knowledge Daniel formed a group (9 original members) called “Understanding”. It eventually grew to 60 units with international status. The group spread their knowledge through lectures, meetings, and through their newsletters. Their mission was to prepare the people of the earth for coming meetings with others from space, thus the Understanding.

So was this a cult/religion? Daniel always denied this, although there were rituals and a special prayer by Alice Bailey (Queen of Galactic channeling) to open each meeting. I have read articles about people praising his honesty, strange wisdom and authenticity. So did an alien named A-lawn give Daniel the ride of his life or did his work and dreams of rockets simply fuel his imagination?

Side note: Daniel would attend a yearly meeting at Giant Rock hosted by George Van Tassel. Next week- more on George.

Sleep very tight and dream well. Earth is just a brief stop on your infinite adventure.



Can we ” Understand ” ?

The Exterior Invasions -Dreams and Parallel Universes-Is it all True Series #31

One night when I was a kid driving to my grandparents’ lake cottage, I looked out the back window of my dad’s car and saw many strange lights swirling in the dark rural night. Even at 7 years old, I knew they were not planes because they moved in erratic ways.

At least three times in my life I’ve had dreams about that experience, but these dreams were more intense on an emotional level. In these dreams, the sky was filled with ET ships and sometimes they destroyed the world. This type of dream seems to be occurring more frequently for people around me and abductees I am in contact with. The beings of the invasion are described as reptilians and tall grays with long legs and arms. The reptilians act as savages devouring all in their paths – humans, animals and leveling all structures. The grays are more selective, battling only with our military, and doing minimum damage to our infrastructure. They are here only to enslave our population and use our world. The reptilians are bent on our total destruction creating an amazing volume of emotional energy, which they consume as their interior fuel.

Lets not panic–dreams can just be dreams and not prophecies. Though the increased frequency is a bit concerning. Also another interesting point, people who have been witnessing the 11:11 or the 111 phenomena are having these types of dreams or in some cases some very lucid mini- invasions very nearly within our reality. The 1111 folks may be visiting a parallel universe in their nightly dream world. See my 11:11 posting on January 26th 2008.

I know that world stress levels are way up. And with the possible coming cosmic nightmare (an ET invasion), the minds eye can create this reality through the quantum channel. The more we dream this dream, the more we will help create this event.

Back to my EFT posting (April 26th 2008) if more of us do these EFT techniques we can focus the quantum channel on more events of peace and prosperity for our world. We create our reality, and we are powerful beings.

Sleep tight with happy good thoughts – please.



Are these the ships of the invasion?

The Interior Invasion do these Dreams tell our future ?- Is it all True Series#30

During my many years in the incredible realm of “something from other worlds”, I have found that human dreams are a profound part of the reality of it all. In the last year or so, I have been told about UFO/alien invasions in a very lucid way. These invasions come from two directions, one interior and one exterior. I will discuss in this post the interior manifestation of the alien conquest.

First there is the Walk-in phenomenon, where people are taken over by an individual being from either a parallel universe or from our same realm. I see two different outcomes here. First, the foreign being blends in and loses its old identity and only brings forward its strongest traits in the host human. This can be a positive for the host human or a negative. I will give you examples of the positive. When I lived in Georgia, I spoke with a group of people I called late bloomer prodigies who woke up one day with amazing ideas or general powerful mental abilities. A 55-year-old postman with no past interest in alternate energy put together a free-energy type device in one day, much to his family’s and his own amazement. Also a 39-year-old schoolteacher suddenly began playing the piano, as if she had been doing it all her life, but according to her family, had never played one note before she went to sleep that one strange night. Both of these examples have one thing in common; they both dreamt they had merged with beings of unknown origin, and felt quite different when they woke up.

Now the negative side–people go to sleep very normal and very stable but wake up strange, indifferent, and violent, a whole personality overhaul and not in a positive way. They scare their families, may begin abusing them, then divorce results and sometimes they even commit other crimes and then get sent to prison. All this came from one strange encounter on one strange night.

Then I have also heard about people in a deep mediated trance, stepping too close to the edge of this interior mind universe and this attracts other beings to enter their mind/ body and guess what – it happens. It you welcome something in, it will come in, but you may not always like the result.

I have been told from psychics (whom I trust) that there are many beings, some good and others bad, waiting ready and able to invade us from our own interior universe – our dreamland.

But fear not because always remember one thing, they can’t enter or change you without your invite. They may intimidate or threaten you, but you have the interior power to resist this alien invasion.

Sleep tight and be cautious as you drift off to dream in your other reality.



“They are waiting “

Whitley Streiber 2012 -War for the Souls–Part 8

Another piece of Whitley , -variety of stuff — disappearance of Steve Fossett a bit strange according to Whitley (lets all say abduction maybe). Solar flares will cause major issues for our 2008 Society. Seeing little beings, many hanging out with people. And last the Coming Superstorm — Glaciers in Andes plants (tropical) quick frozen about 5200 years ago by something.

So after this- lets sleep tight and dream our existence away.


The Actress and Them Part 2 of 2- Is it all True Series #23

This is a continuation of last Saturday’s post–Sarah was a beautiful model and actress from Kennesaw, GA. She lived very close to Kennesaw National Battlefield Park. Many times in her teens she would remember dozens of black unmarked helicopters hovering near or over her house. Were these black helicopter sightings connected to her younger sister, Barbara? Barbara would have very lucid dreams of traveling on alien scout ships as she called them. The ships would fly at high speeds and map the surface of the earth. Grays mostly occupied them, and they told her the mappings were to make the upcoming mission a success, in late 2011 (twenty-one years later). They never told her more but Barbara seemed to enjoy the trips; she was 11 years old at the time.

Sarah developed an amazing ability to have OBEs (out of body experiences) on command. She said she learned it from an old woman she met in the woods in the National Battlefield Park across from her childhood home. This old woman was dressed in a black hood with long pure white hair, barely 4′ 10″ tall, and she had cold steel blue eyes, which could pierce your soul. She spoke like a little girl in a soft delicate voice. Sarah called her the witch-angel. On one meeting the old woman told Sarah to lie on her back on the grass, close her eyes and imagine a blue triangle – with the base hovering three feet from the ground and another triangle positioned the opposite point to the ground – in a perfect overlap. Next the witch-angel told Sarah to rotate one triangle in a particular direction and the other triangle in the opposite at a constant speed. (And please don’t try this at home you may disappear). Sarah immediately could see her body lying in the grass as she floated above the park. She said it was the greatest feeling ever. But she quickly lost focus and returned to her grounded body, and the little old woman was gone. She rushed home to tell Barbara her experience only to find out Barbara already had her schooling a year before with the wise old witch-angel. Sarah and Barbara had several other sessions with the wise-old-one where they developed certain ESP abilities. The little old woman told the sisters they were now ready to awaken others to the future. They never saw the hooded woman again.

One last thing about Barbara and Sarah–many late nights they would sit in their bedroom on the second floor and look towards the National Battlefield Park and they would see hundreds of blue lights moving quickly into and out of a particular section of the park. And the last thing Sarah told me was that an underground base existed in Kennesaw Mountain.

Sleep tight – the world will be there tomorrow. – Well maybe.



The underground Base – Kennesaw Ga.?