Whitley Streiber 2012 – War for the Souls–Part 4.

More Whitley,, The Mayas got their amazing knowledge from another group of beings , maybe ETs?
But the Mayas used this Math and Astronomy to track the stars and their impact on the future of all mankind. Next this amazing event ( a disaster ) 15000 years ago , an meteor or something similar, hit with a hard hit and caused a huge flood effecting in some way most of North America and raising the sea worldwide 20 to 30 feet. Next War for the Souls . We have a Soul , it is central to Whitley 2012 book. Moral question -answered by our life here on earth.This is only a natural world not a super -natural world, somethings we understand and somethings we don’t, this will never change for the more we learn – truly less we know. For learning one thing opens up 3 more questions, with a wealth of knowledge hanging to those questions, our infinite universe.
Enjoy– life is very, very short — go for it, but do the right thing.

Whitley Streiber 2012 – War for the Souls–Part 1.

Whitley speaks in another fascinating series – about our strange world and his new book.

Every 26,000 years we come to the center of the universe — next time it will happen will be 2012 on December 21 at 11:11 ( are you seeing it), if so you are part of this all amazing event. See my posting on 11:11 – Whats it all about Elfie ? -Is it all True Series #18- Jan.26th 2008 . Huge changes in people are taking place presently. Changes in the audiences , people are more aware. Whitley is saying the intensity of the crowds are increasing. Whitley talks about Art Bell and the present Coast to Coast radio program, and how they are growing the interest of the people. People’s consciousness are floating.

Enjoy — life is very short, make time work for you.


Prayer — its results generated through "Intention"-Is it all True Series #20

Prayer—probably at some point in our lives we have prayed for something or someone, and now there may be a good reason to do it even if it is not connected to religious beliefs. Why?–because it works, even through the eyes of Science.

The sub-atomic particles of quantum physics are the driving force behind prayer. And sometimes it seems more is always better; there is power in number in the quantum world. For example, a friend of mine’s son in his mid- twenties was diagnosed with a fatal form of leukemia about 2 years ago. At first the son was getting through the standard chemo treatment ok. But suddenly out of the blue things got out of hand and he was in intensive care when he fell into a coma. The mother was in desperation and called everyone she knew asking them to pray for her son, and she also asked them to call ten more their own friends to do the same, so we now had 200 to 300 people praying for this young man. The hospital basically gave up, according to the doctor; the son wouldn’t make it to the next morning.

Morning came, the son was still alive and by mid-morning he was wide-awake and smiling at his mom. He was released in 48 hours and his cancer was in full remission. Was it the particles’ physics of our quantum world that saved this young man? I believe so. Over the last 10 years, there have been some amazing studies on “Intention”– I call it the power of creation. We can focus our mind power in an intensive way to create a desired outcome. And remember that physics is pure science and does not judge your desires, so be careful what you use those sub-atomic particles to create; one person’s Bride may be another person’s Frankenstein.

I would like to recommend two great books on this subject; they are must-reads, if you are interested in being a creator. “The Field” and “The Intention Experiment” by Lynne McTaggart.

To have Joy – the Purpose of Life


The Quantum power of prayer.

Another Inconvenient TRUTH – " The End Of America -Letter of Warning to a young Patriot "

The Mission statement of this Weblog purposely excluded politics, but I am a true believer in the phrase- all things are connected- everything is connected to a universal matrix. I have great concerns about our democracy staying whole and real. In these times I believe our leaders have acted as if they were being controlled by some other forces. And I will let you judge on what these forces are.

Naomi Wolf , an author and researcher shows in her profound book what is probably happening to our once great country. Enjoy her lecture at University of Washington OCT.11,2007

Please listen and at least talk about with your friends. Talk about what ? – The Blue Print – The 10 steps that close a democracy.

This is our Country and our Constitution— Love them and Protect them.

MWiz , as I always say —sleep tight our Government is watching over us.

Mr. Cruise and his Alien Bunker ( part 1 and only part 1)

I had to pause on my “Is it all True” series and weigh in on this Tom Cruise Bunker thing. First a little background, Tom, who is a devout follower of Scientology, is planning to build a $10 million dollar underground bunker to save him and his family from an Alien invasion.

Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard claimed that billions of extra- terrestrial beings were sent to earth, and Xenu, the ET ruler, destroyed them with a Hydrogen bomb surrounded by volcanoes ( a strange setting- a little hell on earth) . Their souls (I am not sure they have any) attached to some of us humans (the chosen ones) and one day will be saved. I have always distrusted that “chosen ones” stuff, that old religious dogma.

I am obviously very open-minded since I have been in the UFO/Alien world for over 40 years. Yes, I have some beliefs about bad aliens, and I have great concerns for the survival (as we know it) of the Human Race. Through hybridization and other alien programs, they are using us and changing us. So maybe we (Tom, L. Ron and I) have some common ground on this alien being issue.

But I have some real concerns about Tom wasting his 10 Million; first Tom is building this bunker under his Telluride, CO mansion, not the best location in the world. Telluride is 80 miles as the crow flies from the infamous Dulce underground base. This very well may contain hundreds, if not thousands, of Greys and Reptilian beings doing their abductions and other not-so-happy experiments.

Tom, the Aliens have probably been living underground for thousands of years, so going underground may not be the safest place. My experience and knowledge suggests they can get you if they want you -wherever.

Now another possibility is that Tom is planning to connect his home via tunnel with Dulce- to do what- I don’t know- or just maybe to destroy the Alien Base. Tom might be so deep into Scientology that he may believe he is Xenu reincarnated and here to save us from the “War of the Worlds”.

This is so crazy that it just may be true — OR?

Enjoy the Journey



Their Space Plane.

Phil Schneider – Man with a Cause -Part 2

A man ( Phil) with 17 years of black project experience. He estimates that black budget projects are probably about 500 billion per year. Much of the money to support the 135 underground bases where the strange and amazing stuff happens. Most not good for our future per Phil.

Enjoy — if true very amazing.

" Montauk " Synchronicity Makers- Part 3

While there are certainly others, there are four main players of the Montauk synchronicity. Hubbard, L. Ron, (yes, the founder of Scientology), developed his (religion)- the special club from his Naval career in Naval Intel. Naval Intelligence has been involved in psychiatric research, and L. Ron grabbed on to these cutting edge techniques and formulated his quite famous book- Dianetics. Naval Intel fingerprints are all over Montauk. L. Ron had also researched human implants and how they could control mankind, and it has been rumored Camp Hero was also an implant station.
The next player is the man called either the most evil person on earth or the wisest man on earth (your choice), Aleister Crowley. Aleister, besides having direct or indirect relationships with the other Montauk players, had bio-rhythmic synchronicities with the Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk Project. Crowley’s important personal events were linked to dates of the major events in the above projects/experiments.

Mr Wise/Evil

These next players are, The Camerons: Duncan Sr. and Jr., Edward (Al Bielek) and Marjorie. This group was smack in the middle the Philly experiment and the Montauk Project. First, Duncan Jr. occupied the time machine, and he was aboard the USS Eldridge as the Tesla field went crazy. Secondly, Duncan Sr. was a Naval official who may have been responsible for transporting the Nazis scientists to the US to develop rockets, the A-bomb, zero point energy, and strange stuff at Montauk (see our July 14th posting). Thirdly, Al Bielek (half brother of Duncan Jr.) was also on the Eldridge with Duncan as they jumped overboard and forward in time. Finally, Marjorie Cameron, a possible relation to the other Camerons (not perfectly calculated yet), also had a Navy career working directly for the Joint Chief of Staff. But her checkered career ended in a court martial. Her real claim to fame was her marriage to Jack Parsons, who was a genius and a rocket scientist. Jack, L. Ron, and Marjorie inter-acted together and worked on a project call Babalon Working, a similar project to Montauk using sexual energy instead of Tesla technology to move on the Time-line.

The Eye

I mentioned these characters because they were a few of the core players in Montauk and the Philly experiment; a web of synchronicity connected these people. It is very possible they never felt their deep connection in this space and time.
This is a vast mystery of profound importance, and 99% of the people of this country know nothing of it. We are missing incredible knowledge because we refuse to be engaged in our Universe and are afraid to look into others.


Montauk- Part 2- Synchronicity and the Time Machine

Some have said Montauk is on a corner of the vast vortex called the Atlantis Realm – which may cause the strange events in the area most know as the Bermuda Triangle. This northwest corner is Montauk Point, a place of powerful maybe sacred energy. Here is where the Army put their radar base, Camp Hero, and after the war, an underground facility was built. In a chamber a time regulator was developed; in the science fiction world it was called The Time Machine”. With this device people like Duncan Cameron would flow in another direction out 6000 years. Duncan Cameron came from Celtic bloodline, and I would not be surprised if he was also Native American (see my April 28th posting). Duncan was one of only a few whose mind could handle the madness.


Montauk is one of the most compelling stories on earth infecting a few and touching us all. So a group of the military and some contractors fused a not so peaceful union to build a machine and play with the dimension of time. At first they used transients, runaway children and just lost souls, so basically humans were kidnapped. They were put in this capsule, egg-shaped vehicle and pushed on to the time line. Some came back and some were/are stuck in limbo, sort of frozen in time. As soon as this technology was refined, timeonauts (time- astronauts), moved along the time line safely and successfully. Also many of the workers on the Montauk Project lead a strange dual life with only glimpses of the other life. Their dual life is the force, which helps to drive the synchronicities they must un-puzzle to keep a little sanity.

The Montauk web is so powerful just me writing this short posting will create synchronicities for me related to this strange drama.

Time Machine or Time Regulator

Enjoy and learn – life is short.


"Montauk"- Part 1- The Web of Synchronicity

Montauk is a small community at the end of Long Island. An Army Base (Camp Hero), a time machine, small pyramids, and interesting people and events are all part of the Montauk scene. And then there are the people who make up the web of synchronicity, some live on Long Island but many are scattered around the world. I consider myself part of this strange group and I wasn’t asked to join.
In 1997 I was visiting beautiful Mt. Shasta and doing mediations to contact the dimensional beings that have been known to hang out on that mountain.
In the cute town called Mt. Shasta there is a great metaphysical bookstore named- The Golden Braid.
There I was grazing through the books and low and behold a book called “The Montauk Project – experiment in time ” jumped off the shelf into my hand, amazing, I was drawn in instantly and the subject has gripped me ever since.

The synchronicities started, first in Tucson, I bought the second book in the Moon/ Nichols series ( Great books) and as I walked out of the bookstore a huge silvery UFO slowly moved across the sky. Next I met Helga Morrow daughter of scientist Dr. Frederich Kueppers who worked directly on the Montauk project and she shared interesting details, which confirmed some of the stuff in the Montauk books. Next I befriended a gentlemen from New York who worked for the company that built the underground facility at Montauk , but he would not confirm or deny any personal involvement. Next have a dear friend from Atlanta who dated for over a year, the main guy (Duncan Cameron) the man who sat in the time machine at Montauk. Next I met a hypnotherapist that had direct contact with one or more of the “Boys Of Montauk”. And last, but not last was a 2.5 hour meeting with Al Bielek- a Montauk and Philadelphia Experiment direct experiencer- see our posting “The day I met Al Bielek and the Wolf” May 21 2007.

If you feel you maybe part of this wild and crazy Montauk world (and you will know) -Please contact me by sending a comment on this posting. I will not post it without your permission. Understand all comments are held for review , too much spam stuff out there.

More to come — enjoy life is very short.
Amazing beauty – of the mountain called Shasta.

The Zero Point and Nazi Saucers ?

I just finished a great book called “The Hunt for Zero Point” by Nick Cook. To balance out the study of the origins of UFOs we must stop and take a look at the advancements of human technology especially at the end of War World II.
The Nazis were pushing their German scientists to find the magic to save their butts and win the war. The V- rocket series helped smash and kill thousands of Brits.With the help of slave labor the Nazis build amazing underground factories, and were on their way to building hundreds of jet planes, which in volume could have changed the course of the war. Also on the drawing boards were super-Subs and super Guns and maybe the Atomic Bomb. Thankfully, for a few good Germans were able to slow their progress which ultimately spared us from the unprecedented amount of evil and deadly technology the Nazis were about to unleash on our world. In another year or so we all would have had German as our first language: it was that close. The war ended but what about the technology, the Germans suddenly, almost mysteriously, were 10 years ahead of the rest world in high tech stuff, (i.e.,weapons, early computers, pharmaceuticals, atomic research, quantum mechanics/physics and even dyes and advanced textiles).

“Zero Point Energy” the unlimited energy;theoretically,the energy, which makes the saucers fly. It appears like a couple of separated isolated groups of Germans scientists were working on this incredible energy and even created a few small and mostly uncontrollable flying saucers. And then there was “The BELL” the most mysterious project of all – was it a saucer, a weapon or a time machine or all three? We will probably never know because it supposedly was flown/shipped out of Germany by the Nazis to an unknown destination. So as the War ended the Allied Powers were scrambling to capture, kidnap, and steal the scientists and technologies from the Third Reich. The American project called Operation Paperclip grabbed hundreds of these very talented Germans for the American agenda. Some of these Germans were Nazis so the Allied Powers because of their own greed unknowingly or knowingly, have spread this evil throughout the world’s technological community, we are still living with the consequences in 2007, 60 years after the ending of the War. This new community is and was called – The Military Industrial Complex.

Also two interesting sidebars – In 1947 Kenneth Arnold may have made the first modern era sightings of UFOs and may have coined the term Flying Saucer– these sightings were probably ones we built with the help those German scientists. And on a synchronistic note: my father was Wernher Von Braun’s personal military security guard here in the U.S.- the famous German Rocket Master-V Series (and father of our Space/Rocket program).

Thanks for your time , are you “Awake” – I am.


Mr Rocket – Von Braun